NH BEMANNING delivers skilled and high quality craftsmen to the building construction industry

NH Bemanning søker etter servicerørlegger for Tromsø

NH Bemanning søker etter servicerørlegger for Tromsø

God erfaring innen faget
Beherske norsk/ Skandinavisk muntlig og skriftlig
Førerkort klasse B

Vi tilbyr:
Godt arbeidsmiljø
Gratis bolig / Har du eget sted å bo i Tromsø ? kan du få 15-25 kr ekstra i timen.
Rotasjon 6/2
Timelønn: 297,- pr time
Jobb inntil 50 timer per uke.

Når: så snart som mulig

Søknad og CV:
Interessert? Sendt din CV og attester til Maria: msu@nh-aps.com eller Luiza : Luiza@nh-aps.com

    I am interested in this job

    I meet the competence requirement for this task: I have solid practical relevant experience within my field, and I am interested in working as a craftsman for NH Bemanning.



    Choose profession:

    Attach CV

    I hereby consent to and approve that my personal data is registered and handled in accordance with NH Bemandings personal data policy.
    Read policy

    Note: If we consider that you are the right candidate for a job, we will contact you personally. Your information will not be passed on to customers before we talk with you.

    If you have any questions regarding this task, please feel free to contact resource and recruitment department.