NH BEMANNING delivers skilled and high quality craftsmen to the building construction industry

Electricians with DSB for construction projects in Norway – including free Accommodation

Electricians with DSB for construction projects in Norway – including free Accommodation


NH Bemanding is looking for qualified electricians with DSB, for projects in Oslo area of Norway. 

About project: 
You will be working in a new buiolding with general electrical installations as:

  • hidden cable plumbing in ceilings
  • cable routing in shafts /on bridges /in pipes
  • Completion of components such as KNX equipment, fire, emergency lighting, lighting equipments, plugs, and data.


  • DSB approval, if you do not have norwegian electrical diploma
  • As applicant you are trained as an electrician with diploma, and has some years of experience.
  • You can work independently in the job.


    • Salary per hour is 260 -280 NOK (approximately 26-28 euro per hour)
    • Monthly salary in euro: average workhours 48 x 26 euro per hour x 4,2 weeks = 5.241-5.644 euro brutto. After tax (25%) it would be 3.900 – 4.200 euro. This is an average calculation, as you can have a different hour price and more work hours. Free accommodation is included
    • Monthly salary in NOK: in average if you work 48 hours a week x 260 -280 NOK x 4,2 weeks = 52.416-56.448nok brutto. After tax 25% it would be 39.000 – 42.000 NOK.
    • On some projects you will also get extra 1.000 NOK (100 euro) monthly for travel expenses.
    • Rotational work 3 weeks / 1 week home or 6weeks work/2 weeks home.
    • Tools and work clothes are provided for free.
    • On top of hour pay, you will also receive Holiday benefits, pension, and other benefits per the employment law in Norway.
    • Free Accomodations is offerd. And if you have your own appartment or want to rent your own place, you can get between 15-25 NOK (2.4 Euro) ekstra per hour on top of your hour salary, as compensation.
    • Salary is per your qualifications. Please send your CV and certificate and you will receive more informaiton about the work conditions.
    About DSB approval – you can read more about the application here: https://www.dsb.no/lover/elektriske-anlegg-og-elektrisk-utstyr/artikler/work-as-electrician-or-electro-professional-in-norway/electro-profassionals-abroad/

Startup :
As soon as possible

Send your CV and DSB approval and electician diploma  to: Bemanding register CV and get more information by writing to job@nh-aps.com

For questions you’re welcome to contact our HR team Katia: +45-22191171 or Luiza on mobile +47-45877919

We look forward for you application.

    I am interested in this job

    I meet the competence requirement for this task: I have solid practical relevant experience within my field, and I am interested in working as a craftsman for NH Bemanning.



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    Attach CV

    I hereby consent to and approve that my personal data is registered and handled in accordance with NH Bemandings personal data policy.
    Read policy

    Note: If we consider that you are the right candidate for a job, we will contact you personally. Your information will not be passed on to customers before we talk with you.

    If you have any questions regarding this task, please feel free to contact resource and recruitment department.